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Spider Society Rant #1 

These are kinda gonna be all over the place. Hopefully not too confusing, some of this to some of you will seem super basic. Some will find this helpful as you're new to both Onlyfans and social media. I promise these will get more complex as time goes on! This is mostly Twitter related for today. Please feel free to ask questions. 


This is probably the most genuine account I have come across when it comes to retweets, general engagement, and a true sub. James is who you are going to want to follow and tag in all your posts. I recommend you find as many of these types of content creators as you can but don't tag a bunch under one post. Also try to find people who are actually interested in helping promote you and not just trying to get on your good side so they can get free content. You should be able to sniff these people out pretty easily. If you add too many promo accounts in my humble opinion, it makes you look desperate. I also feel this way for adding more than 4-5 #hastags under your post. 

Which. You. Are. Not. 

I STRONGLY advise against using actual hashtags. use an emoji or something else to break it up. I like to use the spider emoji personally. Also do not say words directly like Cash App Pay pal Venmo. 

Cash *pp PP Venm* if you use words like this you are more likely to get a shadowban. If you get a shadownban you're gonna have a hard time getting more followers. Check if you have a ban here https://shadowban.eu/ You're chances of getting a shadowban when you use hashtags like #findom #onlyfans etc is higher because surprise surprise most sites hate sex workers. 

What do you do when you get a shadowban? You need to have no activity or next to no activity for 72 hours. I recommend creating a backup Twitter so that you can bounce between the two. 3 days doesn't feel like a long time but it really is. 

We all want to make more money but we don't want to demean our self-worth in the process. Advertising and marketing yourself properly is its own investment. Avoid works like Cheap/Sale. 

"You can get my Onlyfans for Cheap! My Onlyfans is having a sale!"

This makes you sound like a discount rack item. NOTHING about you is cheap. Inexpensive. On Sale. When was the last time you enjoyed something that was cheap? 

"I'm running a promotion on my Onlyfans and the next ten lucky subs will get the opportunity to be a part of this event!"

Look at you. You're an EVENT. You're a destination. You're now a mother fucking goal. Words have power, but so do images/videos This particular piece of advice will not be helpful for people who are choosing not to show their face. Please skip if this does not apply to you. 

Eyes - Pick an image/video where people can see your eyes, they are the window to the soul after all. Make sure they are clearly visible.
Excitement / Emotion - Whatever your emotion is be careful that you're not playing it up to theater levels. A little goes a long way. A slow wink, a corner smile, a bit lip. All things that make people tremble. 

Videos - Keep them 10-20 seconds for the best engagement. Anything longer is "boring" anything shorter is forgotten. 

Have a pinned post. Both Onlyfans and Twitter. Let people know where they can find you. Here is an example. 


create an all links or linktree and have it somewhere on your Twitter as well. Bonus, you can't get in trouble with sites like Discord if you post an allmylinks. Their TOS prohibits you from creating a status/post directly to an 18+ site but this is a small workaround. 

Retweeting other content creators is amazing. In fact, I wish more people did it as much as I did it for them, but there is a point where too much is too much. I recommend 1-3 a day. Otherwise, your wall becomes spammy and you're likely to lose followers or only attract people who want to see free shit. 

Make sure that your posts do not start with an @ otherwise it only broadcasts to that person and does not show up on your wall unless they come to your page and click "Tweets and replies." in the second example that will broadcast to ALL of your followers on their timelines. Unless they have you muted. 

Example: @friend is partying tonight with me on my Onlyfans. Bring your drinks! = No
                  Hey everyone! Tonight me and @friend are partying tonight on Onlyfans! Bring your drinks! = Yes

I don't care what anyone says. LIKE YOUR OWN DAMNED POSTS. RETWEET YOUR OWN POSTS. Ever see that "your friends liked such an such" on Twitter? It's annoying but it's part of the Twitter algorithm. Same with commenting on your own posts. If anyone calls you out "Haha you like your own posts"

Yeah you're fucking awesome why wouldn't you? Also they are dumb and have no idea how social media works. You do, you're a god. 

If you can think of any other Twitter questions please just ask. I also know how to get people you admire but don't know how to follow you. It's not a guarantee but it will make it incredibly more likely. That's one of my house secrets though. Tip this post 5$ and I'll DM you the answer, tip this post if it was at all helpful to you! 

Thank you all for being here.

PS. Never, ever, never ever ever ever ever. Pay for promo unless it is from another Onlyfans content creator. Those shitty sites that message you non stop will never never never never help you.


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