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***1.*** From now on, more than 90% of my timeline sexual posts will now be sent via DM. What does that mean? You will need to be a subscribed fan to see it. You won't be able to subscribe for one month, get back 10 months later and see everything that you've missed. I thought it was just fair for those who offer me their continuous support month after month. The good news? It means that my posts will be more naughty, more naked and more....hardcore ;) So don't worry, you will see way less "timeline" posts, but you will see 1000% more free direct messages content! ***MAKE SURE YOU OPEN YOUR DMs***! I'll sometimes post a reminder on the timeline when something is sent :) Oh and Auto-Renew at ON people will get some extra treats as well! Make sure it's turned on :) 

***2.*** This is just a quick reminder that if you want to message me, each message/chat is through paid messages.  I REALLY REALLY love getting to know people and chat.  But I have to focus my time on those who REALLY want to chat and value my time!  I've explained it several times, but let me do it again.  At any time, I have between 150-200 subscribers.  Replying to everyone for free every single day would be an unthinkable thing to do if I want to have time to create content, update my pages and sleep LOL!  Those popular girls replying for free?  Just think about it.  If they have a thousand fans on their OF, and they only spend 30 seconds answering to everyone, how long does it take?  That's 500 minutes (a little over 8 hours) without taking any break just to spend 30 seconds with each person.  That's not possible.  Then, how can they reply so fast and for free to everyone?  A lot of girls have agencies running their accounts and have people writing for them.  I don't. I had multiple offers from agencies to grow my account and take it over for me, but that's now how I want to do it. I am genuine. I am me, and only me. When you message me, you talk to the REAL Riley. I take time and pride in answering every message and writing every post. I like talking about sports, my passions, TV shows, tech geek stuff, gaming...and yes, sex chat ;) So if that's something that is your cup of tea, and you value my time, and the fact you're not talking to some Indian guy in a basement while looking at pics of a hot girl...feel free to message me. It will be my pleasure to talk with you and get to know each other :)

***Well, this is it for updates and reminders. It sucks to do them...but sometimes, I have to ;) Thank you SO MUCH to everyone supporting me and participating on this page. Comment, like, vote, play the games...the more you participate, the more fun it gets!!!

Love you all!

Riley XxX***



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