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Overheard myself being talked about after leaving a room earlier...

"I can't believe  how BIG she's gotten"

"I know it... She was average sized when I met her years ago. I never would have imagined she'd let herself get so fat"

"I keep hoping she'll get serious about a diet some day but everytime I see her, she looks heavier"

"She walks in with a McDonalds drink every day, I think too much fast food is her problem. That and being a couch potato"

"Yeah, I followed her up the stairs the other day and I could tell how hard that was for her. Just one flight too"

"It'd hard to believe someone can let themselves get that way. I've casually mentioned different and diets and gyms to her but she doesn't show any interest."

"Last year a group of us were sitting together and the chair she was in broke under her. I thought that would embarass her enough to make a change, but she's only put on more weight since then." 

"I remember hearing about that. I would have been so embarrassed. " 

"How much do you think she weighs? Over 300?"

"She has too. Well over that, probably"

"I felt huge when I weighed a little over 200, I can't imagine being any heavier, let alone 300"

About then I finally re-entered the room and sat in my desk chair that groaned under me. They were both staring.  Having heard their conversation,  I know they were looking at me, really taking in how fat I'm looking these days. While these situations can be a little embarrassing in the moment, they're always do exciting to reflect on later. 🥵 Even though I know my huge gain would be impossible to ignore, it's always nice to hear it acknowledged.  

Needless to say I treated myself to my second McDonalds meal of the day shortly after 🐷


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