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Stop the charades 🤚🏼Let's be real here 🤨 If you're not fine, just say it. No need to pretend everything's peachy when it's not. And if you're expecting something from someone, speak up 🗣️They're not mind readers, folks. It's time to put an end to this guessing game.

💚You know what else? It's okay to need space. Don't be shy about it. Just tell them straight up that you need a breather. No more passive-aggressiveness or sweeping things under the rug. We're all adults here (supposedly), so let's act like it. That means being clear and honest, even when it's awkward AF.

💚But let's be honest, most of us never learned how to communicate like mature adults. We were too busy picking up bad habits like expecting people to decipher our subtle hints or pretending problems don't exist. Surprise, surprise, that doesn't lead to healthy relationships.

💚Communication is a freakin' skill, my friends. And skills take practice. So, instead of saying "I'm fine" with a poker face, try something new. Speak your truth, even if it's uncomfortable. Say, "Look, what happened last night really hurt me. Can we please talk about it?" Boom. Honesty. Vulnerability. It's a winning combo.

💚And forget gossiping with your friends about how confused you are by their behavior. Be direct, dammit. Say, "Hey, I've noticed you've been acting distant. Is something going on?" No mind-reading required.

💚And don't even get me started on shutting down because they didn't initiate contact. Speak up, honey! Tell them, "I love hearing from you. It makes me feel connected. Can you reach out to me when you get a chance?" Simple as that.

💚Finally, instead of silently seething because they're not taking the hint, lay it out for them. Say, "Look, I really value my alone time. It's important for my sanity. So I'm taking an hour or two on Saturday for myself. Got any plans?"

💚Enough with the guessing games, people. Let's find the courage to have these damn conversations. Think of all the wasted energy we'll save. Imagine the clarity we'll gain. And picture how much healthier our relationships could be. It's time to be #selfhealers. Let's do this.🙌🏻



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