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As a therapist, I gotta talk to y'all about the 5 love languages. So LISTEN UP! 

👩‍🍳Acts of Service: This is when your partner does things for you, like cook dinner, do laundry, or run errands. Ya know, the sh#t you don't wanna do.🥹
 Do y'all feel appreciated when your boo thang does this stuff for you?

🎁Receiving Gifts: Okay, this one is a no-brainer. Who doesn't love presents?! But the key here is that it's not just about receiving anything, it's about receiving things that show your partner was thinking of you. What was the last gift you got that meant something special to you?

⏰Quality Time: This means giving your undivided attention to each other. So put down the phone, turn off the TV, and BE PRESENT. Just being in the same room as your partner doesn't count. When was the last time you and your SO had a real date night?

💬Words of Affirmation: This love language is all about communication. Saying things like "I love you" or "You're amazing" can really make someone's day. What kind of things do you say to your partner to show them that you love and appreciate them?

🤗Physical Touch: And last but certainly not least, we have physical touch. Holding hands, hugging, kissing, sex (yeah, we went there) - it's all a part of this love language. Do y'all snuggle up on the couch or are you more into PDA?

Now here's the kicker...not everyone has the same love language as you. 🤯 You can also have more than one love language 😅 So, do you know what your partner's love language is? Do they know yours? It's important to understand each other's love languages and communicate in a way that makes both parties feel loved and appreciated. 

So go ahead let us know your love languages in the comments 👇 How do you interact with someone who has a different love language than you? Let's talk about it. 💕 send me a DM if you prefer to share privately 🥰



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