1. No, I don’t have tattoo(s) 👑 2. I work A LOT 🧠 3. Auspic.. (OnlyFans)
2021-11-17 22:34:22
1. No, I don’t have tattoo(s) 👑 2. I work A LOT 🧠 3. Auspicious as fuck ✨ 4. Reading keeps me grounded 📚 5. The piano is congenial 🥺 6. My real life is an eclectic dream 💨 7. You’re on my team or I don’t know you 💯 8. My inclination to give & love is profound 💝 9. Intelligence is SEXY TO ME… 🩸 10. I’ve been dying for a dream that will be public after paramount legality inquests are solidified🤣 🔥 11. Whether you think you can or can not, you are RIGHT ✨ YOU are my absolute favorite & THANK YOU for supporting the DREAM… Couldn’t do it without YOU 🥰 xo JD #TheBiggerPicture #TheJenniferDawn