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## Please remember, I do have lists, so if you don’t want to receive certain DMS I can fix that. Just let me know! 💜
##### There is so much negativity going around lately especially about me & my page. 
##### If I have ever forgotten to do your promo and missed it, please, reach out to me. Let me fix it for you. 
##### I have never intentionally forgotten to do promo, but if I have, reach out and give me a chance to fix it. I don’t like burning bridges. I enjoy fixing them💜
## With all this being said, there is a lot of negatives going around about me, my page, my promos etc. I’d just like to make one thing clear, I am a human with real feelings. I see every comment made that is made about me, from people whom I’ve never realised I done wrong too. 
##### If I have ever been rude to you, I am sorry. No excuse for it, I’m sorry. Everyone has bad days, we’re all human it happens. 
##### One last thing I’d like to point out… making a post about someone, pinning it to the top of your page and then excessively promoting that one post giving rewards for people to like and comment… is a form of bullying. I didn’t run to OF Support because I couldn’t take the heat, I went to onlyfans support because I felt like I was being bullied & victimised. On top of that, I deal with mental health daily, and this all happening has been worsening my state. 
# People need to remember to be kind, you don't know what that person is going through & you kicking off could very well make it that persons way out. Matter of the story, be kind **always** you don’t know what goes on behind closed doors.


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