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Hey guys, I just want to take this time to talk about a few things. 
Reasons why I haven’t been posting is because I’ve been in depression mode. 
I want to post more but my brain won’t let me do the things I need to do. 
Another thing is that I got a modeling contract for a company that makes cute and sexy panties. I would post some of them but I do not want to lose this contract as they are exclusive panties. Once I get the approval I will post them. 
I also want to thank you all for being here, supporting and showing love. As I lost everyone in my life and now am by my self. thanks to you guys I know I’m not alone. 
I could go on forever as I don’t really like talking about my personal life but you guys have been so good to me that I felt I had to give y’all an explanation as why I haven’t been posting. I am hoping to get out of this depression mode soon so I can go back to make awesome long full videos like I used to when I first started doing solo porn. Again Thank you for the love and everything you guys do for me. 💋 I love you and don’t ever forget it.



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