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HIII I want your opinions on an overhaul of how I post feed content!! I've been doing the same thing for the last 2 years and it's getting a bit overwhelming. I post a lot more feed content than a lot of other people apparently and I'm wanting to switch things up a bit. This doesn't mean less content, this is just a change in how it would be scheduled out for you on the feed

What I'm currently doing:
5-10 photos from 2 different sets of content at 7am and 7pm every day. Same 2 sets last like 2-3 weeks, every day. Plus at 12pm I post a video from one of these sets every day. I usually do up all of my posts in 1 sitting for a set and have that scheduled out. This is EXTREMLY exhausting.

The change:

Instead of posting 3 times a day, I would post 2 times a day. A video at 7am and 5-10 photos at 7pm. Every day would aim to be a different set, so instead of going 2-3 weeks seeing the same sets on the feed, you would see photos and videos from multiple sets over the course of that time instead. I would aim to schedule a week's worth of content at a time, to leave room for new sets (instead of scheduling weeks at a time which gets messy if new content is made)

I currently have available some photos and videos from the blue set, some from the pink set I just started posting and some from sexpo. So each day would cycle between those until I added a new set to the mix. I would be aiming to work towards the following weekly schedule for ultimate variety:

Monday: Fancy Lingerie (Goth)
Tuesday: Costume (Notgoth)
Wednesday: Workout/ Gym
Thursday: Throwback Thursday (Older set)
Friday: Casual
Saturday: Costume: (goth)
Sunday: Fancy Lingerie (notgoth)

But yeah, I think overall this would be a super healthy change. It gives you guys more variety every day, at the expense of sets lasting longer over time. Because of sets taking longer to see all the content of, you'd be able to pay to instantly unlock all of the feed photos and videos from a set for like $20-30 if you didn't want to wait for them to post over the course of their schedule

TLDR: This does not mean less content, in fact this would actually mean MORE content and more variety, less stress for me, and smiles all round if executed correctly.


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