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Happy Saturday! ✨🧚🏼 I decided once a week, I’m going to pull an energy/angel card for you you all! Today’s message is from the Magical Messages from the Fairies deck. (If you want a personal reading, check my tip menu on my page for prices). 

Emotional Healing: as your heart heals of old emotional pain you receive new blessings and love.

There’s A lot going on in the universe right now, and for many people it is a time for change and or new beginnings! Discard signifies that you’re healing some old emotional pain, the first thing that comes to mind is exactly the issue your resolving. As you let go of anger, guilt, or other emotional wounds, you awake and a new level of power within yourself those tracks everything you desire and more! Call upon the fairies, as well as supportive people or professionals to help you through this time of healing. Know that you’re lovable and that you deserve a happy heart. 

Other possible meanings: The situation you’re asking about is an emotional basis, physical healing occurs as a result of emotional healing, you’re preparing for a new love healing old hurt from a previous partnership, don’t be afraid to consult with professional counselor or support group to get the help and healing you need, journal about your feelings, the situation will bring tremendous growth for you.



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