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Hey guys :) 

Feel I should let you all know why I’ve not been online for the last 4 or 5 days…

On Sunday I started to feel crappy. I had as headache and was extremely lethargic… by Monday afternoon I was feeling fainty, dizzy and confused… Tuesday was spent mostly just tired and sleeping, Wednesday morning I felt a bit better, but then Wednesday afternoon I hit a brick wall again and then started to come out in spots… 

So, I have got chicken pox. Yep, chicken pox. My face is a scabby mess, my hands & ears are covered in pox, and all inside my mouth including my throat 😟😔😩 

I can genuinely say I have never felt as ill as I have the past few days. I’ve been asleep a lot of the time, but when I’ve been awake I’ve just been in pain. I can barely use my hands because of the pain from the spots, and I also have no appetite so having to force food down - but have now turned to meal replacement shakes as it’s easier and more pleasant on my mouth. 

Anyway… that’s why I’m not around. I’m so sorry for being absent! 😟❤️


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