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Our finale with Adrianna.
This was the first time we were ever intimate, and ideally I would’ve liked the cameras to have been off, the lights dimmed, the music blasting, but I wanted to give you a little insight of how things go when we bring over a “unicorn” for the first time. 
Speaking of unicorns, people ask how we’re able to “hunt” so many. Here’s the secret, we don’t think of it as hunting. What we do is be very very very open about our sex life, and the women who find it appealing, join. 
For example, with Adrianna, we spoke briefly about books while she was working at the library desk and that was about it. After a few visits I mentioned how it was hard to m e e t adults, and asked if it’d be weird if I asked her out on a dog walk as friends. She laughed, and said of course not we exchanged numbers, and she joined me for a few walks. At this point, I never considered her to be a unicorn, or frankly someone I thought was into women. However, she was cute, and seemed nice and I wanted to get to know her better. At our dog walk, we talked about random things and got to know each other more. She told me about her childhood, her musical interests, and school sports she participated in. Here is where I think a lot of couples looking for unicorns snag up. They jump too quickly into sex. Remember, I never knew she was bi, or would end up in an all-girls orgy with me later, I just wanted to know her better. On our 3rd or 4th dog walk, the topic of vaginal health came up and girl to girl we talked about periods and their impact on sex life. I briefly mentioned that I’ve had to reschedule orgy nights because of my cycle and her ears perked up. She asked what those were and I explained that I host “scandalous nights” for friends to experience fantasies and how after covid, we moved it to onlyfans. She then mentioned that she’s wanted to explore her scandalous side, and that’s where I realized she could be a “unicorn”. If she wasn’t visibly interested, I wouldn’t have pushed and she would just have been a platonic friend. However, by bringing up sex, or fantasies, or whatever in a CASUAL manner it showed her that it was a “take it or leave it” vibe, and there were no judgements. She opened up, and I prodded a bit more and asked her about what turns her on. Slowly she felt comfortable to divulge more, and we scheduled a night for her to come by.
Now you don’t really need to have orgies for people to be interested, just mentioning sex is a great way to see a person’s interest. If they’re interested, don’t push, be casual about it. Someone you met few years ago may end up being your unicorn one day. The fantasy of picking up a girl at a bar and bringing her home is very very very rare (in my experience).  However, starting off as friends, works wonders (again, in my experience).
I’ll stop blabbing now. Hope you enjoy the finale of this night. I’m super excited for the next set of nights that I’m editing because there were a lot of fun and jam packed. Right now, this could be considered calm before the storm
so get excited 😎
Hope you enjoy!
Interview: https://onlyfans.com/107840393/blueeyedscientist
Part 1: https://onlyfans.com/119539409/blueeyedscientist


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