Exercise is such an important part of me life. I do not do t.. (OnlyFans)
2021-09-03 15:42:48
Exercise is such an important part of me life. I do not do this for the abs nearly as much as I do this for the mental health benefits. If I don’t move my body in some way for days or weeks on end, my mood becomes highly irritable. Trust me, you don’t want to see that side of me. 🙈 😇 I think it so vitally important to know ourselves, and recognize when we need certain things. I know that if I've been feeling anxious (like I have been experiencing a wee bit with this big move), I can easily fix that frustrated and “stuck” feeling in my mind by going for a run, lifting weights, or slowing down with a yoga routine. The key is to listen to your body’s needs and respond with compassion. Do not deny yourself of the things that you know will improve your outlook on life out of laziness or low worth. You are worthy of feeling good. If you break your discomfort with exercise, you WILL have more energy and you WILL have higher self esteem. There’s nothing to it but to do it! 😻❤️