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✨ Update and backstory for Ophelia! ✨
But first, please go donate to this wonderful organization. They didn't hesitate to help us find someone that could give the proper care to Ophelia. **I've included their Pay Pal and Amazon wishlist. Make sure to tell them "thank you for helping Ophelia!"** πŸ’•
Oh, and anyone who DM's me a screenshot of their donation or wishlist purchase will be getting **50% off for a month or two**, depending on the size of your donation 😊 

**Pay Pal** 
(Sorry for the weird link here. Apparently pay pal is a restricted word lol. You may need to copy and paste it into your browser.) 

**Wishlist:** https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/9MVXD5X4AR0O/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2?pldnSite=1

The fundraising goal for this post is going towards getting Ophelia a nice bed and other supplies! πŸ’–

Ophelia is a little possum that is the sweetest thing ever. She was abandoned by her previous owners and left out in the cold with only scraps to eat. As soon as we found out about this, we took her in the same day. Neither of us had experience taking care of a possum, so we weren't sure what to do. Her tail seemed swollen, it had scabs on the bottom of it, and her little paws were missing claws and looked like they were injured. 

We found out that may be a sign of infection (except for the swollen tail. She was just a little overweight lol.) It was difficult to find a sanctuary or even a vet near us that had experience taking care of possums. When we stumbled upon this possum rescue Facebook group located in South Carolina, it was quite a distance away from us, but we were hoping that they might at least know of someone in the area that could take good care of her.

After talking on the phone with Beth, she was able to calm our worries, and help guide us in taking care of Ophelia. She was fairly certain that Ophelia did have an infection by looking at pictures of her. She was ready to find a way to get us antibiotics for Ophelia. The next morning we woke up to a message from Beth. She said she has a friend who was in the city an hour away from us that has antibiotics and would be able to take her in and make sure she recovers. That was the crazy adventure we had! Lots of crying was involved too. I'm hoping I can get updated pictures of Ophelia that I can share with you! 

Again, we would never have been able to get Ophelia this level of help this quickly without The Opossum's Pouch. They didn't ask for any kind of compensation and they didn't even mention to me their Pay Pal and wishlist links either. I found them on their website myself. All she cared about was that our little possum friend is safe. Again, please donate to this organization through Pay Pal or buy little possum essentials from their wishlist! Thank you, friend! It means a lot to me that you took the time to read this far πŸ’• You're pretty awesome yourself 😊



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