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Ok, my sister's BACKSTORY: She might be getting a divorce.  She's worried her husband could use pictures against her.  I was giving her more grief over fucking my fans over after she promised me, and she finally burst this out.  So, like I said, sorta reasonable when she confessed this 

And many here ask me "tell me your sister's secrets!" and I'm always " I don't know!  She doesn't tell me ANYTHING!"  See!  Just like this.  She doesn't tell anyone, not even our mom.  She said they've been having problems for a long while.

But I did tell her 1: no one cares (but she feels she's always judged), and 2: it's completely illegal in a California family court to try to use an onlyfans in a custody situation.  It's been tried, it does not fly, and it generally pisses judges off when one parent tries to shame another parent in this way.

But either way, I'm not gonna press her anymore.  It's feasible she could turn around and just send me pics randomly (she's done that) but I would not put any money on that.

In the meantime, you'll have to settle for my fake sister @elizabeth.monarch (swipe right)😂



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