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Good morning y'all! So I kinda pretty much took yesterday off from everything. Lots of stress so I needed a day off trying to juggle a lot of things + the PornHub stuff.

If you didn't know PornHub basically lost Visa and Mastercard who will no longer allow PornHub transactions to go through. And of course that's like 99% of all transactions on the site and I think the only way to pay for anything now there is via bitcoin which is probably used by like 10 people on the website total.

So basically my PornHub sales absolutely went to 0 about two days ago. I do 3 websites which is OF, MV, and PH and PH is by far my lowest amount but it's still a revenue source that I've lost. Not sure what they plan on doing but for now it looks like it's dead in the water.

So yeah that just really sucks. Also scary cause suddenly losing it really shows I can get uber-fucked if I lose OF and MV as well.

But anyway yeah I just needed a day to stress to myself, play Cyberpunk, let my ass heal, and generally loathe life for a bit. But I'm back baby so I'll be shilling stuff and filming stuff. Still need to make my goal of visiting my parents.

On the 15th I'll start a new tip thread. Still deciding on the direction I wanna go. I wanna keep it simple this time because the Throat vs Ass one requires more prep timing and since I won't be able near the end as much cause driving and shit and I wanna make those ones real fun.

So yeah that's my plan at the moment. See you dudes soon in a bit when I shill something.



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