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2 media, 1 photos, 1 videos, for 15$.


Evening! I hope you're all fattened. I shall shill something today.

I'm gonna shill something I've shilled before. Last time I shilled in for a good cause but this time it'll just be because I wanna make that chedda.

The OG really long MissPrincessKay video.

"Hardcore Deepthroat Anal Pussy Fucking"

So I shilled this for charity last time if you older people here remember. I sold it at half off cause I wanted to make a big dick donation to my local food bank. So if you missed it back then it's back now. And I'll even price it the same as some sorta Black Friday kinda deal or whatever.

45 minutes of hardcore, hole pumping action. Every hole. Except like ear holes and stuff you know. And I was still somewhat green so I made a bunch of editing mistakes like accidently leaving in me scratching my pits cause shaving them fucking sucks.

Like seriously it's a fucking hardcore video and was my best selling video for the longest time. So get it while ya can.

Oh right so I've gotten a few PMs about this - If you buy a video and you think you're only getting the preview you have the full video. You just gotta hit the side arrow more. I don't put a price on only previews I ain't scammin' ya.

Coming to yo inbox too.


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