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Before I head off to bed I wanted to say a lil something.

2020 has been wild. So much packed into one year and while a lot of us say that every year we had a literal pandemic which caused a global crisis. We're likely to feel the affects of COVID for a long time due to the economic hit we took.

It's a bit sobering to think about. I've been getting depressed again because I once again feel like it's not safe to leave home. I almost only leave for shopping now. December is coming around and I usually go to visit my family but that probably won't happen this year. So it's kinda bumming me out the closer we get to it. It was my one "vacation" where I truly felt like I wasn't pressured to answer messages or do anything at all except enjoy familial company.

But alas everyone is dealing with the same thing. So I wanted to talk about my plans for OF and my prons.

I basically release a brand new full video every 5 days or so sometimes I don't follow that but generally I try to keep to it. I shill old videos I have made before that can be found on other sites I'm on or clips I make.

I'll be doing the tip thread thingy probably on the 15th or so. Winner Takes All seems to be the favored here. I'll give more details on that when I post about it.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna be doing for December. I usually ran in the MV contest (Gold Medal 2 years in a row ezpz) but the contests are kinda getting eh. While the thought of big dicking a third year sounds nice it also comes with an OVERLOAD of customs and other assorted things I have to do. It literally usually takes me 6 months to catch up to every single thing. Plus the competition feels very different now in that some people seem to have endless amounts of money to just throw around. I'd rather retire with my 2 gold medals than go for a 3rd and fail.

But that's kinda where I am right now. Weighing my options and trying to really focus on stuff. I also want to work on my website and sorta branch out on what I do. I want to do more good things like giving to charity. I want to do other creative things like my drawings and such.

Oh right and I'm really, really trying to focus on my goal of a Tesla. The December contest, if I decide to try it, would just be for that Tesla. I'm still socking away a bit of cash where I can but no-financing roadblock kinda really kicked me in the teeth.

I hope everyone is coping well and safe and not sick. I hope y'all have great jobs or your businesses are doing well. I really do hope y'all are happy and living life as fully as you can. Check up on your family. Don't forget about your friends both irl and online. Keep safe and keep being awesome <3


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