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Hello my people. My butt is gg'd.

But anyway I must shill.

You know that ACDC song You Shook Me All Night Long?

Alright you know in that song how they have the line "'Cause the walls start shaking, The earth was quaking"?

Well I think they wrote that about me cause I was fucking my ass and boy did my thighs QUIVER AND SHAKE like a bowl of jello in an earthquake. At the end my legs were fucking trying to VIBRATE THROUGH THE GROUND or some shit as I came from the anal-ness of the anal.

So yeah anyway this is a short-small clip I did. Pretty much 100% just me anal fucking a dildo, mostly riding it. Now I want to say this before anyone says anything. I filmed this directly after filming another video with a black dress on which you know will be shilled later but yeah. Some of the lint got a bit mixed in with my grooly bits and so it looks like my vagina has a black booger basically. I swear my vagina isn't making black boogers it's just lint. Now if black vagina boogers are your kink you can disregard that and furiously fap away at the black vagina booger.

Anyway without further ado I present - "Kay Anal Fucking A Dildo And Furiously Vibrating Her Legs In An Attempt To Phase Through The Ground Like In The Flash"

It's also coming to a direct message inbox near youuuuuuuuuuuuu!


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