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So it's Labor Day and you know what it reminds me of? The 12 Labors of Hercules!

So I know it usually means to chill and hopefully have the day off but now you're gonna do 12 fucking labors. You're gonna laboriously jack off 12 god damn times. You might be like "dude wtf it's pretty short notice the day is almost done" but it wouldn't be a labor if I gave it to you at the start of the day eh. And so I thought I'd do something a bit different with my shill. Instead of one long video here's a bunch of clips that will unlock to help you on your journey of 12 laborious splooges.

The clips are mostly vanilla vagina stuff that if you're on my MV Crush you've likely seen before. But ya know. To refresh your memory of what it looks like and stuff maybe I dunno. One short deepthroat clip too. But it's like a total of 25 minutes of clippage or something. Fuck machine usage too. I do what I can to help ya know?

Either way it's fucking Labor Day so do some god damn labor and beat that meat 12 times. Or one up Hercules and do it 13 times. You're a grown ass person you decide.

And that concludes my shill.


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