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Alright church is out and you've repented your sins for the week so it's time to sin some more. I'mma help you out with this shill okay cause it's kinda sinful.

If you're an office worker trapped in a loveless marriage with someone you secretly hate this might be for you.

"Coworker Convinces You To Cheat On Wife"

It started with innocent touches, little flirty gestures, and innocent coffee breaks. The flirting got a little more obvious and you've decided to finally give in. You've never cheated before but your coworker is throwing herself at you. She's made snide comments about your wife to you more than once and you just seem to agree with her more and more. She finally gets you and she insists your wife listens. She wants her to know how a real woman satisfies someone. This is a roleplay POV video that features a home wrecking theme! I, your coworker, finally get you to cheat on your wife with me and I insist on calling her to let her know how worthless she is as a partner and that I can satisfy you so much better in every way! This video features a lot of degrading talk towards another.

So basically it's very degrading/dirty talk themed but like sorta towards another person instead of myself which is so mean feeling. I would not be this mean IRL I promise :(

I've been taking the weekend to kinda digest some IRL stuff I've had to deal with and take some time to chill. Hopefully y'all are getting some time to chill as well. I've been trying to not let OF/MV and such be such a.....constrain on my life. Like I have horrible stress over a lot of this stuff mostly because whenever things slow down I have those panic moments of like "this is it no one wants my stuff anymore I'm done" and it wakes me up a lot at night as well as keeps me constantly checking stuff.

But it's a super unhealthy mindset and adds a lot of stress so I'm trying (keyword trying) to be more chill about it.

Anyway here's the shill and y'all be gucci



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