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I just got done filming and I hope these two turned out well. Lets vibe for a minute though I wanna ramble. This ramble will be in place of my shill. I'm trying to shill a bit less. Just a bit. Like maybe 6 days a week instead of 7 or something.

But anyway I wanted to ramble about some stuff.

Firstly - OnlyFans has been awesome. I've mentioned I was hesitant to jump into it and I wish I had sooner. I'm digging being free to subscribe since that was my original intention. I've toyed with a pay to subscribe but I like what I do now. I'm not really good at keeping to a content schedule and I don't wanna continue to over promise and under deliver. But I'm digging OnlyFans right now on the free to subscribe and just putting my videos out here as well as another avenue for peeps to buy. I wanna get better about doing more short clips and picture sets so I hope to do that soon too. Thank you everyone who making this place a fun place to be.

Second I wanna mention my customs and MV contests. I typically seriously enter 2 contests a year with those being May and December. I take a large amount of customs during those times. Honestly every single time I tell myself I'll work on the customs as they come in but that never ends up being the case. Contest stress, contest lows and highs, etc all keep me from filming. So at the end of a contest I have a large list of customs I gotta pound (huehue) out. That seriously causes me to be anxious and feel burned out before I even get to it. Customs and premade videos are pretty much all I do. I don't do live stuff for the most part BECAUSE I get overly anxious about it. This coupled with actually burning out trying to get through it makes my wait times longer than I want them to be and I'm sorry about that.

I have people who've had customs on my list for a very, very long time and their patience is amazing and I appreciate them. I try to get customs out as quick as possible but sometimes things happen. My throat hurts from a deepthroat video and needs some time to not feel sore. I get my period. And a whole bunch of other things. But I do keep trying to move forward with everything.

Thirdly - This is, when it boils down to it, my job. This is my primary source of income. I actually started all this because I left my ex and I had absolutely nothing. I was too poor to go back home and my parents couldn't really afford to help me either. I stayed at a friends place at the time who let me rent a room out for real cheap. He was a good dude but the house was kinda really kinda gross. Roaches and the like. Didn't wanna stay there long.

Through some non-porn methods I was able to rent an apartment but on a very, very shaky foundation. It was really not a smart idea at the time but I did it. Having absolutely no money after my expenses and having a couple months of rent exactly I decided to try the NSFW side of reddit. I sold Kik shows for very cheap prices to just make enough to get food once in a while and such. Panties were my big thing at the time when I first started and I sold quite a few. But nowadays I don't sell nearly as much.

I started to get video requests and eventually started MV. Through MV I had one person who was really, really generous. He voted for me in a contest I was running in at the time. The MV Awards one. He pushed me, by himself, into the top row gaining me a lot of visibility. And from there on it all spiraled into what I do now.

I'll never not be thankful for what I do now. I hated me call center job that I had when I was with my ex (although I loved the people I worked with) and this fits me way, way better. That's sorta where I came from.

Now I do enough to support myself and save for school in the future. I've always wanted to be a Vet and I still want to be although I'm not exactly sure what my plans are  right now. School is expensive. COVID has made it awkward as well right now. I don't want debt. Debt scares the shit out of me and I don't want student loans or any of that if I can avoid it. Lowkey keep hoping the US will do something about the ridiculous ass college inflation prices.

Fourth - Regardless of feeling burned out, tired, exhausted, sometimes depressed, etc I'm always thankful for this. I love what I do. I'm gonna do my best to keep on going for as long as I can.

And lastly - I hope to be able to do something extra special for the December contest on MV. I hope to potentially maybe do a g/g video if the conditions are right. I've been toying with the idea and I feel like I'm ready to do something a bit more. So we'll see. I think it'll happen regardless at some point.

I wanna again just say thank you. I have my lows and I have my highs but my low points now versus 4 years ago or so is much, much higher than those times. Thank you to my OnlyFans, Discord, MV, Reddit, etc etc for making that possible.


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