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Alright y'all before I talk about this shill I wanna say

The Raffle Video is now going to be 20 minutes long since there's been so many entries. As more entries come in instead of a longer video I'll just add another custom so there's multiple winners. It was more popular than I expected. You can always get more entries if you wanna as well. I'm going to be sending all the raffle ticket holders (aka the people who tipped on the pinned post about the raffle) a video for free today in like 3 hours from this post. It's an older video which I know some of you have but ya know it's what I got right now. You'll get a special clip tomorrow as well. And eventually another exclusive clip near the end and probably more stuff just because I appreciate ya.

Okay onto this video.

"Wet Intense Multiple Orgasms In A Skirt"

I mean the fucking title just kinda screams what the video is about, right? I honestly thought I shilled this before but it's not on my list so I guess not maybe.

It's a near 30 minute, action packed video that stars yours truly. You'll see me fight the evil Vagina Samurai with my trusty Hitachi Blade. My never-ending conquest to make Vagina Samurai spill her white cream all over. Unfortunately I get ambushed by her lackey - Surprise Butthole. Surprise Butthole is easily dealt though with my Buttplug Shurikens. I toss that bitch at her and she just keels over.

It's just me enjoying myself really. The custom was for me to wear a skirt and go BRRRRRRR not unlike the Federal money printer with my Hitachi. Moans and groans. Orgasms and cumgasms. Vanilla bois rejoice! For it is your time to shine. Except it's pretty long so it's one of the pricier ones so vanilla poor bois cry :(

Update on the Tesla: Still working for it. It's gonna either be after tax filings or when I can literally pay the whole lump sum I guess. For now I'm just gonna have to wait. I've been getting my apartment garage ready for nothing :(

Update on the life: Still tired a lot but things are perking up day to day. Corona makes it so I can't really do anything and that really sucks unfortunately. I've been itching to do something fun but also don't wanna be stupid and head out needlessly. Especially with Texas getting extra fucked. But tis life and we all must soldier on. Hopefully y'all are doing good.

Oh yeah someone asked me how I decide on how to price videos. I literally just make them whatevs I feel like.

Someday soon I might do a live stream. Depends on the weather really cause holy fuck I get hot when I do a cam show and it's super hot right now anyway don't wanna deal with that bullshit.



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