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Alright lets get this out of the way. Brand new vidya. Hot off the presses. A 10 minute "Deepthroat Challenge" video. It is I, hands free, throating a dildo stuck to a mirror. The challenge is basically doing it slow, doing it fast, and holding it down over and over again without removing my mouth from the dildo. Harder than I thought cause I couldn't get good breaths in.

Want a back story? Sure why not.

In the year 2021 COVID-19 is finally eradicated. But at what cost? The conspiracy theorists were right. Bill Gates has been secretly injecting us all with vaccines laced with nanochips. These nanochips have been programmed to report back our thoughts. Bill Gates now controls the world. He has defeated age by continuously uploading his brain into a new nanochipped body whenever he chooses.

Bill finally lets his inner beast free. He has demanded human sacrifices. He demands absolute and total control. Anyone who disobeys him dies a grisly death by a virus he uploads to the nanochips coursing through our veins. Bill Gates has finally achieved his end game and now the world bows at his feet.

All attempts to reverse the nanochips have failed. Resistance is impossible with the nanochips reporting back every thought and Gates ability to jump into any body he wants.

He rewards those who follow him with riches and women. He punishes those who go against him in front of everyone. Broadcasting it to the minds of every human body in the world to know the pain that awaits anyone who disobeys.

Only Bill himself has the technology to reverse it. And it's in his penis. His enormous penis because the nanochips can do that somehow. There's only one person who can get it. Kayla Kay retired when Bill took over the world but the world needs her and she heeds the call.

Gates doesn't believe someone can take such a massive penis. He has become lax in his total domination. He welcomes all women to try cause free blowjob ya know?

So the world calls upon Kayla Kay. She must do the deepthroating in the correct sequence of slow deepthroats, fast deepthroats, and holding the whole this down her throat. If she gets the sequence wrong, she will will be killed as an example. If she gets it correct, she'll finally be free as will everyone else in the world and she'll be free to orgasm once more. Oh yeah I forgot the challenge is rewarded with my being able to get myself off in the end.

There's your backstory for those of you who need it. Probably not as good as some but I haven't been watching much lately so I don't have as much inspiration.

But yeah. 10 bucks, deepthroat challenge, and orgasm end for me. Yay.



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