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Alright so I'm gonna kinda explain what's going on. I feel like it's important to kinda explain what I've been dealing with. 

Basically my mother and father are getting divorced. I'm okay with this and actually happy for my mother. My relationship with my father is pretty deteriorated and it's gotten a bit worse with some of the things he's been saying to my mother about me. My mother and father both know what I do but lately he's been trying to weaponize it against me even though he was 100% okay with it when it benefitted him when I was helping him financially.

So it's kinda made me really... unmotivated. Felt fairly used and thrown away once I decided I didn't want to keep helping him.

But yeah. That's the reason I went to PA a bit ago. My mom needed help with her storage unit and getting things out of it.

I have new content I need to finish editing and I'll get it done soon. I just have a hard time concentrating and feeling motivated with that weighing down on me.

But I can't constantly not shill so I'll do another re-shill for today.

So a random video people really liked. I believe a lot of you have it so I don't expect it'll sell all too much but it's for those who are newer since I think it's fairly buried down.

And lastly don't forget the tip thread ends tomorrow when I wake up. I've updated it right now to reflect current hit goals.

If it gets a handful more tips I wanna add in some other stuff too. Just not sure what yet tbh. But I promise to make it a fun video.



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