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Happy End of Monday! Yay! Hopefully everyone is doing okay and safe. While I am safe I had a pretty long and fairly mediocre day but tomorrow is a new day. I wish only the best of days upon everyone else as well! I was gonna kind of skip my shilling today but even though I feel blah that shouldn't stop me from doing what I need to do. I have a Tesla I need to get after all.

Anyway todays video is a bit of a throwback as well. It's a throwback to a time where I stayed in this SUPER fucking swanky ass hotel. It was an amazing hotel and I had an amazing room and just look at the fucking shower at the end. Jesus fucking christ. I miss that. I felt so out of place checking into this hotel I feel like everyone was staring at me like "what's she doing here" but still I'm glad I had the experience and hopefully one day I can do it again.

But this video is one of two full length videos (I shot some clips in there as well) that was taken at the hotel. The other one is a much more romantic "honeymooon" style video and this one wasn't as romantic.

"Sucked And Fucked Til Orgasm By E-scort" (that's a banned word but I kinda like e-scort it sounds like an online one)

In this video you are Mr. Moneybags. The Monopoly man himself. You've got bags of cash, bitches landed on your Boardwalk with a hotel on it, and they've paid up. The bank is telling you they can't handle any more of your cash so what do you do?

A fucking intense week of h0okers and blow is what you do. Bender would be jealous of your exploits. Mountains of coke and ho0kers by the dozen.

Well I happened to be one of those. So you call me up, I come over to your swanky as fuck hotel, pet your mustache a bit, you pay me, and we get down to business. You whip out your monopoly board and you start schooling me. I land on all your properties, I'm paying you my monopoly money, and I get so in debt that I have to basically fuck you to make up the difference. So you're making me do all these new positions, filthy new kinks, and just the whole shebang. And I have to cause I'm so deeply indebted to you Mr. Monopolyman that I have to do whatever you want to work off my debt. And once I do I still just end up getting fucked dice rolls and landing on your properties and it just starts all over again. By the end of the game I'm stuck with the Top Hat piece in my vag, the Racing Car up my ass, and Scottie Dog is over in the corner whimpering. I vow never to play Monopoly ever again.

^ That does sound like a fun video eh?

But really this video is actually about you hiring me to show you a good time. It's kinda a whole scene. You hire me, I come, we talk, I go to "get ready" which is actually me counting the money and then slipping into more sexy stuff. Then I suck, we fuck in a few positions, you splooge, and I shower. Lots of slutty talk and the fuck machine gets used a little bit. Really just a roleplay video if you like the more tame stuff with a story. I'll do the Honeymoon video next time maybe if this is well received which is a much more romantic touchy feely video but also porny.

Pretty long video at 33 minutes. Usually pretty expensive but it is an older video and OnlyFam has been super, duper awesome to me so I tried to make it cheap but I also kinda feel bad about doing that cause people bought it at full price back in the day and I don't want them getting mad :(

Dude this shower. It was amazing. The water was the perfect pressure. The tile was gorgeous. If I was ever a rich lady I would just rent that room out indefinitely. 

Anyway yeah. Hope y'all had a better day than I did and if you didn't I hope tomorrow makes up for it <3



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