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  • 052e7c56-0429-44c5-bbf2-c299f0465ddf.m4v



Alright y'all another reshill today.

We're gonna do the Slut Diaries again since there's a good amount of new peeps since I last did this. 

This is part whatever of a 3 part series. I say part whatever cause I fucked up the numbering on this series so we're just gonna go with whatever. 

Anyway yeah this is your shill for today. It's a good shill if you don't have it so you should have it. 

Not much to riff about today. The weather randomly dropped again. Weird ass Texas weather. Oh well. Oh yeah the /r/antiwork mod interview on Fox was pretty cringe. I like /r/antiwork and what they actually stand for but that really hurts them in public view.

Anyway yeah that's it



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