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I had intended to have a new small clip but I kinda got overwhelmed with stuff so instead you just get another re-shill. Sorry my dudes. I'll try and have something tomorrow though promise. Just kinda getting overwhelmed with everything right now.

"First Date With Crush Becomes Fuck Fest"

Alright I'm kinda emotionally exhausted so I'm just gonna copy and paste my MV description here

"Hiya! This is a roleplay video featuring yours truly asking you, my crush (and hopefully yours too!) to come over and play some games! And you guessed it, it turns out to be a date! So you come over and because this is a porno you beat me bunches (but lel at that reality) and some how, some way, sex happens (shocker)! We do the nasty quite a bit, in a few different angles for you to lovingly enjoy. Eventually you finally cum (you stud muffin you) and I invite you to spend the night! So I hope you'll enjoy the vid and do some absolutely Christian things while watching it!"

btw I always get a lot of messages asking if I'm okay when I mention I'm exhausted but I'm fine. I'm gonna be fine but we all have our days where things get a bit overwhelming and we need to chill. 

Secondly since I'm gonna be sending this I'm gonna address once again all the OnlyFans is sudokuing itself stuff

There's a lot of crap out there right now about it. No one really knows what's gonna happen. There's rumors of all NSFW being removed, only unverified people can't post NSFW (ie: no more pictures from non-verified people via DMs), and it just pertaining to the OF App they're trying to release.

Either way if OF does go away you can always find me. I'm on reddit, MV, and have my own website. I'd likely make an account on Fansly or Sex.com if OF went away but I have my serious doubts OF would sudoku themselves like this.

So til the time comes something more concrete comes out I'm gonna just go on business like usual.



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