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I'm working on the Pussy video it's still coming soon(tm)

So here we go shilling another shill we've shilled.

I'm gonna do this again cause it was a good'en

"Demanding Your Cum Deepthroat Cum Eating"

So let me rant about something that has nothing to do with the video. The video is self explanatory.

Bruh what is it nowadays that I can't keep attention to a game for more than a few minutes? Every once in a while a game will come along that I really enjoy and can actually pour some time into but like I try to get back into things or try new things and I just have no desire to keep playing once I play it for a short while. Like take WoW for instance. I used to sink a shit ton of time into that bitch but the last time I tried after about 20 minutes I just lose any desire to keep playing.

Meh but anyway Texas is opening up vaccines on the 29th to all adults and I'm pumped to be vaccinated so I can continue to stay home and not really go out.

Alright now that the rant is out of the way I'll try to describe the video with a fake book excerpt.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Kayla's Throat.

Imagine amongst you there lived a creature...a creature which had to get nourishment from man to survive. This creature has nails to keep her prey down, venom in her tongue to paralyze, and her only weakness is her eyes. Through time and evolution she's learned to protect her eyes and now she is a beast that has no weakness. She is MissPrincessKay and she preys upon the dicks of man to extract cum which is her life essence. 

Make no mistake you should not fight this creature. If she appears you should run. Run and call me. And uhh don't look back. Don't look at all. Just run while I take her wrath upon myself to save your cum from her gluttony. I will sacrifice myself again and again so humanity will never have to fear the hunger of the creature that is MissPrincessKay

~Memoir of a Desperate Man



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