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Alright y'all. Things kinda been going on in my personal life that's been meh but I'm gonna try and put it past. I wanna do the tip thread thingy so I'm gonna today. Don't tip yet I'm still kinda tuning it.

But anyway here we go

TODAY WE START THE...FOURTH? MONTHLY TIP THREAD. In our last (well second to last) episode we had a grueling MMA fight between Ass and Throat and the underdog Ass doing a huge upset victory. Many a tears were shed for those who placed their bets on Throat and unfortunately Throat announced her retirement from MMA.

And like a lot of other MMA fighters she decided to continue to cash in and go to the WWE.

So now Throat has come for the UNIVERSAL TITLE which has long been held by Pussy (Pussy was never good enough for the big leagues, always been a fake combat sporter)

So in her inaugural debut Throat is coming to destroy Pussy for the belt.

That's the background lore we're going with. I'mma have a whole backstory to all these that'll put Tolkiens world to shame.

So we're gonna go back to body part vs body part. Last time it was winner take all but this time it'll be winner takes most! Both videos will get made but the WINNING VIDEO will get more time, more intensity, more dildos, bigger cum shots, etc etc. The minimum is $5 to get the video. If you want BOTH videos you'll need to do $5 on both threads which will be up later today. We'll add new stretch (hueheuhuehue) goals for more things and stuff. Lowkey rooting for pussy cause I don't have much extreme pussy content but we'll see how it plays out.

As I usually say if you're here but not really wanting to spend money I getcha but these videos tend to be long, intense, and I think worth the minimum to get in to get the video. So if you're wanting some porn this is a good way to get a longer video for cheapsies.

So in a couple hours I'll post and pin both throat and pussy up and tipping will be open. It runs to the end of the month as usual ending on the 1st as soon as I wake up.



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