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  • 0hoqyt439jltqjn36i3wl_source.mp4


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Alright folks I have a new short clip for ya. Featuring a throat, a chance dildo, and all that kinda jazz. Just showin' off the elasticity of my throat so y'all know it's in prime condition for the upcoming tip thread.

I also wanna point out there's like 5 of you who haven't tipped the minimum $10 on the thread. Not sure if you think you're gonna be sneaky or just genuinely can't read but I want you to know I go out of my way to make sure people who don't tip the minimum don't get the video cause I'm that fucking petty. Even if you're at $9.50 I'll make sure to cuck you.

But besides that most of y'all have been good and stuff. I have one more KEY goal I hopefully want y'all to hit and so I'm gonna extend the tip thread to the 21st cause I gotta wait for Bad Dragon to open up custom orders anyway.

Annddddd...I think that's all folks. Keep being alive and pervy.


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