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Are we still calling this a hust? Forever grinding? Staying hungry?

For the past few months I've done next to nothing 'work' wise. And yes, this is me bragging about disappearing on you. Not like it matters though. You're always there waiting for me. Immediately dripping the moment I make my appearance. Accounts preloaded to avoid delay in transferring when I so demand it.

And yes, I have a history with you. It's not like it's as easy as that. Or is it? I can't ever remember a time that this didn't come natural and easy for me. Can you? I come online, you binge, and then I enjoy my real life while you wait patiently for another opportunity to spend on and with me.

So maybe we are going to keep calling this a hustle. Your hustle. You forever grinding away in your life to keep the cash on the table for me.

If you agree, drop me a nice tribute, almost breaking your budget.


If you disagree, drop me a $5 tribute and we'll call it a win win.


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