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Hey Guys, I just wanted to share this with you guys.   I don't like to share too much stuff about me personally because I feel like this should be about cumming.   I see other accounts sharing all kinds of personal things that don't make their customers hard and I think that's a mistake.   Your fans don't come here to hear about your personal problems.

I know some people think everyone gets rich from Onlyfans.   The truth is like 1% of the creators makes about 99% of the sales on this platform.   10% are probably making enough to cover their expenses of making their videos and the other 89% are wasting their time or simply want to say they are on OnlyFans.   

My subscribers are amazingly generous to me and I am so lucky.   I am so grateful to share that I'm using my onlyfans money to get my teeth fixed.   So far I have made about 25% of what it costs, but luckily that's what it takes upfront and I can pay the rest over time.   Its something that has bothered me my entire adult life and there always seemed to be something more important than my teeth.   The work will be finished on NYE and after that I hope to have the smile that I always dreamed of.   Its really a dream come true for me and I can't thank you guys enough.   I'm not into Gucci bags or $1000 shoes.   I'm a pretty simple gurl. 

No matter what level of support you gave it all adds up and I appreciate all of it.  Thank you!

After I get it done, I may go crazy with smile photos, so please bare with me.  

Love Marina


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