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OK!!!! I am super excited about this set and let me tell you why. I was gifted a wig from a friend. It was cute and old but I had a vision for it. My other art homie #MakeMeDreadful (Erika Bansen) of Philly is a deadlock artist. I wanted her to make me a colorful headpiece from the gifted wig. I raised the money and paid her a worthy commission. (Support the arts) !!! Since the Rona everything has been fucked. The post office most of all. She overnighted the wig only to have it go missing!!! WTF??? All her hard work ;( all the money I raised. Gone. Then as we were about to give up on ever finding it, the wig shows up at her studio!!! OMG YASSSSSSSSSSS!!! Rather than have her try to mail it again I asked Jon Levi (Photographer)  to give me a ride to Philly. The best part of this shoot was introducing my two deaf homies to one another. Yes Erika and Jon are both hearing impaired Artists. I mean Jon is deaf and doesn't listen but thats another story. lol I love creating with all sorts of different people. I am so happy this all came together. Thank you Universe for my creative family and for not shitting on my rainbow. TY FANS for helping to support my nudie creations. I make art for me but now im getting used to making y'all happy too. idk All I want is to be colorful and creative as I figure out how to exist in this world. TY ALL so much again for the support. I love you for loving me. 

#MandyKitana of Mandyland



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