Thank you all for the new fan ship!! I truly appreciate y’al.. (OnlyFans)
2021-10-19 02:18:19
Thank you all for the new fan ship!! I truly appreciate y’all!! Here’s some #nudie #Mondaymotivation cause ya Gotta Work! Today I stared my productor job back. Met with some interesting investor types. Tho I know I’m hardworking and talented I always feel less then when ppl bring up education. My body of work is huge but I only have a couple years of college. It was also shitty to be told. “Well you get the job done and for thousands less” like ouch. I know they meant it as a compliment but meh. Just cause I can shake and move and can do all the things doesn’t mean that energy isnt valuable. It’s been hard to put a price on it also…especially when ur passionate about ur craft. Like I’d do it for free but at what cost…ya know?! Idk 😕 I also have a big heart…and doing the rgt thing in the business seldom pays off. Well idgaf! I want to build something new! Something better. Something different. They also said “The industry has always been this way” well fuck em! #wecanchange Mini #mondaymotivation #Producer #Rant Ima just keep doing me and soon I’ll be too loud to ignore. #Mandylandis #Artdreams #Yoga #MandyKitana #Bestself #Changeisgood