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Good night! Just had a good nap and I’m gonna go overthink about what happened with the last person I tried to talk to before letting it go and burying it. I’m eating avocados and tomatoes with pita chips for dinner. I told Ken I would take care of them if they ever needed it and all of a sudden they just kept saying I wouldn’t and started saying hurtful things. 

There’s nothing I can do for someone who pushes me away when I say I want to be there for them and i can’t talk to someone who insults me when I try to be nice to them. 

I’m not sure what happened but it was really obvious they were pushing me away. I can’t waste any more time pursuing something that’s going to take a toll on me. I’m sad that they didn’t work out but I just don’t have time for someone who’s going to blow me off when I tell them I need them to sign a consent form. 

It is what it is and I wish them the best. 

I wish I never saw their TikTok and I’m going to keep my head down and work like a robot now. 😅


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