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I just got banned on tiktok out of nowhere and I'm not even that mad. Like I had a couple of posts blow up and I guess I got mass reported by people who dont like OF creators or something. Nothing broke their guidelines so normally I'd be so pissed but I think this may be a good thing. If I don't get the account back I'm just going to delete the app instead of making a new account. I spend a deeply unhealthy amount of time on tiktok. Like its really bad. I've lost countless hours of sleep because I stay up till like 2:30am scrolling every night. Honestly this may be a huge blessing in disguise for my mental health and screentime habits. (And I know that this isnt relevant to OF at all but this is by far my favorite platform that I have and its where people are the nicest to me so I like posting here a lot. I know that you guys will be nice to me vs on other platforms where theres a 200% chance someones going to say something hurtful absolutely unprovoked) but yeah, maybe this is a good thing.


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