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So today I decided to do some studying on microbiology, and this fascinating lecture is what YouTube served up. https://youtu.be/9RUHJhskW00
This may be beyond the realm of interest or understanding for a lot of people, but for me this was a lot of fundamentals I'd already studied and a few new topics.
It makes me feel really good that most of the vocabulary in here wasn't new to me. That left me free to really understand the topic he was describing.
My favorite new information learned here was
A. Our cells have complex multipolymer micro structures inside them called microtubiles, that are like little roads that motor transport proteins use to carry everything from molecules to complex organelles.
B. The main polymers, actin and myosin, come together to form microtubiles. The positive end of the previous polymer strand links into the negative end of the proceeding strand. 
C. The different kind of motor proteins which I already forgot the names for are polarized and only travel in one direction, positively or negative. 
D. Some viruses have adapted to use these pathways for their own purposes. This is how rabies works? 
E. We're learning to engineer basic changes to these motor proteins like direction reversal. 
F. This science has practical applications in curing things from heart failure to dementia. 
G. We're learning new stuff about the chemistry and physiology of our cells every day.


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