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So... I've been thinking about applying for Stanford's online science program. I reallllly want to study microbiology and epigenomics. However, these are NOT basic studies. In order to study microbiology one needs a firm understanding of chemistry, physics, and basic scientific process. In order to steady epigenomics you need a firm grasp of micro and macro biology, anatomy and physiology, lab experience, and computer's science knowledge, among MANY other prerequisites.
I love science and biology though.
I have no standard education in science at all. I've never taken a class in anything remotely seriously scientific but I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours reading and watching and learning about practical science.
I decided that before applying for biology classes that I could get credits in and use towards a degree, that I should make sure I have a pretty solid understanding of the fundamentals. (because I Hermione everything and learn all the class materials in advance).
So, I decided to go through a few biology textbooks to make sure none of these topics were so far beyond my realm of understanding that my mind would explode and I'd cry myself to death trying to study them.
This is the first book I chose, as YouTube recommended it over the 17 hour lecture from the bald guy.
I'm 7 hours in and I can tell this is my passion because this shit is boring AF but I'm finding it interesting and engaging and thinking about it in a super needy way. I'm also happy to announce there have been no mind-killing subjects. In fact, I have basic knowledge of all of the concepts discussed so far and I think I would very much enjoy a class on it. I could and have sat through hour long video lectures on the brix content in plant cells and how insects are being killed off by pesticide companies. I love that shit.



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