I managed to sent all of the Thank-You pics out 🎉 Some of yo.. (OnlyFans)
2023-11-09 22:16:28
I managed to sent all of the Thank-You pics out 🎉 Some of you got them via email over Throne and some of you got them on Patreon or OF via DM 🥰✨ if you bought me something off my wishlist and have NOT gotten any pics, please write me! I also had some people that I can't reach over Throne or other platforms... so please hit me up anywhere and I'll sent out your rewards ❤ As I said, I have a list where I write down all your names, gifts with prices and try to track everything on point. Thats the list where I see which "Tier" you reached with your gifts and see how many pics you unlocked. So if there is something I did wrong also hit me up ❤ And now all I have to say is: I hope you enjoy those pics. The more you unlocked, the hotter they got and I am super happy to have this exclusive MEGA pack of pics to send out as a thank you to everyone who bought something off my list! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST ✨