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What a fun thanksgiving! Here are some highlights ❤️ 

Huge thanks to those of you who generously sent tips to help inspire and keep me going. I had a ton of fun keeping you updated today, and I think we’ve unlocked a little game that could be very fun in the future 😈 (all day stuffing, anyone???)

These are some pictures that I took throughout the day to see if my belly would grow as I kept filling it up (relentlessly) with rich, delicious food. It took hours of cramming all the food I could swallow into my stomach, waiting to digest and make room for more, and repeating that process until I was so bloated up and swollen that it was hard to breathe. I wore my stretchiest, baggiest clothes but I could still see the outline of my bulging belly as if I was trying and failing to hide a pregnancy. Finally getting to lay down is a blessing after spending all day weighed down and bloated out. As soon as I’m done with this post, I’m going right back to kneading this tight, bloated, belly until it finally calms down enough to sleep. 

I hope all of you had a nice thanksgiving, and know that having you all here is one of the things I am very thankful for!



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