**Running Out Of Breath - 8:30 min - $9** *This video is sol.. (OnlyFans)
2022-11-19 13:50:59
**Running Out Of Breath - 8:30 min - $9** *This video is sold for $12 on my clip stores* Can you believe that I used to run 3 miles as a warm up?! It's been over 10 years since I've been in a gym and on a treadmill so I wanted to give it a try and see how far and fast I could go. I mean, it's only been 300lbs and a decade of stuffing myself and ZERO exercise, how much could have changed? Spoiler alert, I've gotten REALLY out of shape! I was definitely being a little ambitious with the speed in the beginning but I was very quickly humbled when I had to adjust it and make it slower multiple times. I was breathing so heavy the entire time and I could BARELY run, it was such a huge turn on to see how much I've let myself go. ;) *as a reminder, just tip this post $9 to get the video in your inbox!*