Hey babes, I been thinking about this for some time and your.. (OnlyFans)
2021-10-21 13:16:45
Hey babes, I been thinking about this for some time and your vote would be really important. I do all my content by myself, from filming it to editing it. Nowadays I make 8 contents a month (a lot of work in here, but I love it), from artistic to amateur content. My actual price is because you can have access to all of this for just one monthly-subscription price. (the vids apart from here would be $40+) If I half the price we have right now, I will half my content production. This means we will have less content (but probably better quality) in my feed. The extra contents I make would be PPV. I want to know what you think about it: Should I change the price or stay as it is right now?