RECAP: RV Repairs Crazy Last Minute Rental Bday Drama And Pl.. (OnlyFans)
2022-08-21 14:01:10
RECAP: RV Repairs Crazy Last Minute Rental Bday Drama And Plans Why B refused to talk during this episode, all the cray cray that hit right to start off my birthmonth, what happened right after I bought over 4 HUNDRED dollars worth of groceries, which health issues I'm dealing with now, having to find a place to move EVERYthing in 30 minutes, the long list of things that were wrong with a place we had to rush into, how many stairs we have in our RV, who busted in on me and completely freaked me out, what I had to clean off the walls that was not even mine, the amazing sight I saw in the sky on our last full day there, what my vibrator was covered in and why, more about my sisters, which drink I finally get to drink again that I'm so excited about, what other two things I'm finally getting at Universal, how all the RV repairs ended up, why my bath water was yellow and smelled like rotten eggs and lots more!! 😋