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You've seen her in the gym so many times, Training with such ferocity that makes your insides quiver and your insides boil. Wondering what those thick legs could do wrapped around your body. Never believing that you would get a chance to touch her flesh and ravish her body. But some how you now lay decimated in the hotel room. You had never done anything quite so impulsive before yet there was not a single regret. The memories blurred together but you could still replay certain parts of the past two hours, over and over again. 

She had climbed on top of you, pinning you down. Gym clothes revealing every inch of her frame. She had taken off her sports bra revealing two perfect breasts, rounder and fuller then you had ever imagined. Metal piercing her nipples. The desire to cup your lips around her hard, light pink nipples made your cock pound harder. She stopped you from moving when you try. Her thick thighs stronger than you had expected, almost expels the air from your lungs. You feel helpless but love the feeling as you let her take the lead. 

She slowly moves off you, removing her pants to reveal a thong that you wish she would just take off. She watches your eyes as she moves her hand first from her breast, running her fingers across her nipples, circling them with one finger, then her hand moves down her rock hard abs. slowly her fingers trace the lines of muscle down, down towards her thong. She slips her fingers under the sheer fabric as she touches herself. You can see her clit outlined in the fabric as she slowly, inch by inch reveals it to your eyes, removing her thong which slides down her smooth, muscular legs.



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