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You're sitting at the bar, a glass of wine barely touched in front of you. You  really want to down it, you're so nervous. But at the same time you also don't want to make a complete fool of yourself. That was, if she did turn up. You had been on a few tinder dates but none that excited you quite this much. In fact most had been rather bland and miserable. However, this has been the first date you had been on where you were actually attracted to the person coming. You take a sip of your wine and almost spit it out as you look up to see her silhouette in the entrance. She was far more majestic than you ever could have anticipated. She wore tight jeans which hugged her frame and a corsetted top that made her waist appear tiny and her breasts ripe and full over the top of the corset. She was fully clothed yet oozed sex appeal in all the right ways. Just looking at her made you aroused.

You try to signal her from your chair, almost spilling your wine in the process, as you watch her scanning the room for you. You put down your glass leaving it sloshing all over the counter as you quickly climb off the bar stool trying to get to her before she perhaps left or found someone else. You find yourself half stumbling as you get off and try your best to stand up and correct yourself as you move forward through the crowed. People shove against you as you make your way through the mass of people, all the while arm in the air trying to draw her attention. It didn't help that you were quite remarkable looking and of average height in a swarm of people. She drew attention easily with her perfect muscular frame. You did not.

Finally you break free of the crowd and half stagger, breathlessly talking as you make your way to her 'hey, hi, hi, it's me, you're looking for me, hey, I'm your date'. She focuses on you as you stumble up to her. In your excitement to get to her you hadn't realised quite how foolish you appeared and your first impression was one of dorky over eagerness. There was nothing sophisticated about your approach.
She looks at you, expression unreadable as she says.

'I gathered as much when you jumped into the sea of people to get to me. You're rather eager aren't you.' you smile in response. You couldn't help it. She didn't pretend to not now you or say she was waiting for someone else. She was looking directly at you. It gave you goosebumps how she looked at you. There was something deeper than just a brief glance in her mannerism. You turn to the crowd and say 'would you like a drink, I had a spot over there' you look back to where yor spot had been, now filled with complete strangers, 'um, we can find another spot I'm sure'.

She looks around the room and then back at you. I'm not a huge fan of crowds. How about we head back to my place and get to know each other a bit better there? '.

You were slightly taken aback by her question, but your excitement to go back to her place was pulpable and blew across your face before you could utter anything.
She grabs you by the arms and pulls you out the bar.' It's settled then. Let's go have a little piece and quiet and get to know each other a bit better at my place'.

To be continued..



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