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She continues rubbing her clit and looks up at you, ‘would you like to play?’ she says. You half mumble, half stutter, ‘yes, y, ye, yes, I ,  I would’
‘well the first thing I suggest you do is come over her and help me out a little’  she replies, while still touching her clit visibly through her underwear. 
You move forward only to trip over your pants still wrapped around your legs.  You struggle onto your hands and knees and look up to see her watching you. She’s not frustrated but she isn’t laughing at you either. She simply whips the leather strap in her hands and gesture’s for you to remove your pants. You’re just grateful that your rock hard cock didn’t get damaged in the fall though with the distraction and feeling of humiliation that rush of adrenaline had left you a little softer than you would like. You roll over and quickly gather your pants over your feet and with more speed than you imagined possible stand back up, now completely naked to see her looking at your cock.  A little limp from the distraction. 
She gestures to it with her whip ‘ We might have to do something about that. No good to me now’ And with one heat searing lash of her whip tells you to move forward. She removes her hand from rubbing her clit, a bit of a sigh as she does so. Then quickly grabs you by the cock and tugs you forward. It wasn’t a gentle movement and yet somehow through the pain you find yourself getting harder once more. Shes holding your cock, firmly in one hand and with the other hand, runs one finger over the very tip, enough to send tingles up your spine. ‘that’s better she says’ 
Squeezing a little tighter on your now painfully rock hard cock. Whether it was sore because she was squeezing it or the amount of redirected flow now throbbing through it you couldn’t quite tell. Nor did you particularly care in this moment.
‘kneel’ She demands of you. Her voice was firm, strong. Not a hint of confusion in her voice and you knew she wouldn’t mess around if you didn’t do as was told. You kneel in front of her as she slides back into her chair and spreads her legs. ‘Take of my G-string’ she tells you with one lash of her whip on your side. It wasn’t hard enough to leave a mark but was certainly shocking enough to leave a searing pain below the skin. You move forward to touch the sides of the lingerie, it seems so delicate yet suits her strong frame so perfectly. You slide the lingerie down her smooth, muscular legs, revealing her gorgeous, ripe clit and you feel yourself becoming even more aroused. You bring the G-string around her knees and watch it as it slowly falls down her perfectly, massive calves. Then you find the head of the whip underneath your chin, bringing your view back into her sultry grey eyes. 
‘Now, suck me until I come’ 

To be continued.



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