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You saw her across the gym floor, or rather. You heard her first. Grunts of pain echoing out throughout the gym. When you closed your eyes those grunts very quickly translated into a very different scenario that left you starting to get engorged in all the wrong places for the middle of a gym session.

She exuded strength in a way you'd never noticed before. She wasn't arrogant but she had a power that would restrain you in so many different ways. Rumours had surfaced that she would do much more than grunt in the gym but you had not yet plucked up the courage to ask her. You wanted to, you desired her in so many different ways but you also didn't want a black eye if you said it the wrong way. What was the right way? 'hi, I'd love you to scissor me?'. Could you say that? Would she take offence. Would it be better to discreetly ask for her number from someone. But then you didn't know if she would answer.

You had been sitting, staring into obvlion for far too long and quickly got knocked back into reality when you feel a not so soft push on your shoulder. You refocus and shake your head as you look up. Up into her eyes. Fierce grey eyes that hinted of danger, of sex appeal, of lust, of longing. and a hell of a lot of frustration.

She murmurs in her husky voice 'I said, are you still busy here?' you realise you've been hogging the bench press staring in her direction and she made her way over to you.

You quickly get off, stumbling as you go. You almost see your face on the floor but regain your balance at the last second. Embarrassment takes over as you turn around to watch her mounting the bench. And you think, oh I wish she'd mount me that way.

She looks at you, there is a upward smile just in the corner of her eyes. 'you like what you see?'. Now she's smiling a little bit, not enough to stop you feeling fear and embarrassment but enough for you to stammer out an answer 'yes. I mean, no, I mean, I do respectfully'. You're fiddling now, hands interlocked and fingers moving back and fourth, rocking back and fourth on your heels. What had you just said?? What an idiot.

However she let's put a light laugh. turns towars her bag while starting to talk once again in her husky, seductive voice. 'I've noticed you watching me these last few weeks. I kept on waiting for you to come over, you disappointed me, you never did. I think you need a bit of a lesson. Here, take my card and I suggest you message me for that lesson. Now leave me to finish training. But I expect that message before I finish'

To be continued.



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