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Okay, so, I have some SUPER EXCITING news. 
I have been asked over and over and over again since starting this page if I would ever have any G/G collaboration content...the pandemic put a bit of a damper on travel and setting up shoots **BUT the time is HEREEEE**

I've lined up a trip in November to get together with some girlies that I KNOW you'll love...especially my Chivers *wink wink nudge nudge*

Collectively we decided to get a house with a pool to have some ***wet and wild live streams*** and photo shoots (on top of all of the other sexiness that will be happening elsewhere in the house).

The pool did add a bit to the price tag though and in order to make sure this can happen I need to cover the costs of my flight, the rental house, and food/drinks etc while there. 

Fixing my car was a huge hit financially this year and because I really don't want to turn this opportunity down I wanted to reach out to **YOU, THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE IT HAPPEN....** *and want it to happen..lolol*

All contributions will be thanked with content (most of it being exclusive and not being posted anywhere else) AND subscriptions to my paid page. **The larger the contribution, the more exclusive content you receive.**

***There will also be at *least* one live stream and **ONLY** those who contribute $10 or more to this fundraiser will have access to it (and others)!!!***

A contribution of **$50** or more gets you a *video of the live stream, a special thank you, and all photo sets associated with the trip*

A contribution of **$100** or more gets you ***ALL CONTENT*** from the trip. **No paywalls**

I'm so so **SO** looking forward to getting you some unique content that I've yet to include on this page!



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