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For my 20th bday, a friend of mine invited me to Sanctum. SNCTM is what you’d imagine an orgy to be — like Eyes Wide Shut, rich, beautiful people in masks and costumes. Also, its spinoffs (I didn’t want to post on my ig) are now The Kinky Rabbit Club, The Social Elite, and Verita’s Club. 
This was the party famous celebs partied at (Bill Maher, Jamie Fox, Gwyneth Paltrow) and entrance was $400/couple. Now, I’m no stranger to excess, but the location was the most decadent mansion I’ve ever stepped into. Once the doors opened, beautiful women in bunny masks and red lingerie chose us to pick a button from two plates. One said DOM and the other said SUB. This was how you knew who was who. We got them, and checked our bags and phones into a coat check. Everyone was the sexiest people I’ve ever seen, I felt like such an average Jane 🥺 One of the ladies gave us a token, and told us to find X. X was a naked woman in what looked like a giant claw machine. You put the token in, and it said how many times you could spank her with the paddle attached outside of her cage. If she thought it was good enough, a goodie bag would come out from the bottom. Ours was a red rope and ball gag. All the men were in tuxedos and women were in beautiful gowns. I was wearing a black sweater dress from Forever 21 and my mom’s heels 😭 My date told me to stop being so shy, so I made some friends by the poolside. The poolside people were talking about some multi billion dollar production movie they were working on, and I told them excitedly I was a film major. 😭 There were performers walking around, with bird masks and Valentine’s Day themed (my birthday). My date and I found a dungeon basement and at the top floor was a really pretty canopy/tent situation, with many beds and sex furniture things laying everywhere for use. Next to each was a bowl of condoms, lube packets, baby wipes, and disinfectant. Lights were moody and pink. The living room had a fuck machine and shy girls broke away from their dates to ride it, while everyone politely clapped. At midnight, we all gathered around to watch a silent sex performance of the bird dressed people. It was kind of like they were acting out a play, told in sex positions. Everyone politely clapped and my date whispered, “What the fuck is up with these people? Why isn’t everybody fucking?” I guess people were too uppity, nobody wanted to be the first one... so we went upstairs, and started fucking on one of the beds. My date had a huge almost 10 inch dick, and it would hurt no matter how much lube was in there. Eventually, this created a domino effect. The lights dimmed and a couple joined us. And then another. Then, we were a swarm of pulsating bodies beating on top of one another. It was beautiful, the sexiest set up I’ve ever seen. Afterwards, we all walked around the mansion, naked. My thighs were sticky from all the lube. Everyone was now just laying in naked piles, making love and cuddling. I made a lot of new friends, and actually ran into a guy I had been dating separately. He walked me on a leash all the way down the stairs, as all these A list celebrities saw me draw on my hands and knees. As the clock ticked, people started looking for their expensive shoes, their diamond encrusted panties, redressing their perfectly sculpted bodies. A beautiful woman came up to me and told me about how she had signed a sex slave contract for 100k, and it paid off her med school. Fuck. This was one of the best birthdays of all time!!



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